History 1730, section 001

The West and the World II

Mon-Wed-Fri, 10:10-11:00, Hardin 232
Spring Term, 2025

Prof. Edwin E. Moise
Office: Hardin 102
Phone: (864) 650-8845

Messages can be left in my mailbox in the department office (Hardin 124), or in the box on my office door.

Office Hours: I will try to be available to you, both face to face in my office and by Zoom, during the hours listed below. There may be times when that will not be possible. On the other hand, I will be available for much more of the week than my official office hours. E-mail me, or just check and see if my door is open.

    Monday                    2:30-3:20
    Tuesday    11:00-12:00,   2:00-3:15
    Wednesday                 2:30-3:20
    Thursday   (none officially scheduled but I will often be available)
    Friday     (none officially scheduled but I will often be available) 

Course Description

Surveys the history of the West in modern times, from the late 17th century to the present. Particular emphasis is placed on Europe’s interaction with non-western societies. Through cross-cultural comparisons, European history is placed in global context.

There are no prerequisites for HIST 1730.

Learning Environment

If something unfortunate happens I might have to change my plans, but I plan to teach this as a traditional history class. Lectures and class discussion will take place in the classroom. Tests will take place in the classroom. Other written assignments will be turned in through Canvas.

What goes into your grade

The written work in the class will be:
    --Two papers on assigned topics, worth 40 points each, turned in through Canvas.
    --Eight questions about the reading, which I will post on Canvas and you will answer on Canvas, due ten minutes before the beginning of class, ten points each but only your six best count toward the final grade: 60 points.
    --A test (70 points) and the final exam (120 points), which will be mostly essay questions.
This adds up to 330 points for the course.

It will be possible to earn a few points extra credit by participating in class discussion. Mostly this will mean commenting on questions I will post under "Discussions" on Canvas. People who participate well in discussions in the classroom will also get some points, but the class is so large I am not optimistic about classroom discussions. If you catch me in a mistake in class, you get two points extra in the gradebook. If you present a good clear argument that I am wrong about something, with evidence, that would give you good discussion credit even if you do not succeed in convincing me.

The basic grade scale is that 90% (297 points) is the bottom of the A range, 80% (264 points) is the bottom of the B range, and so on. Sometimes I alter the scale in the students' favor, never against them, depending on how the class is doing. Thus 297 points is a guaranteed A. But if few students have 297 points or more, I may shift the line between A and B down to 295 or even 290 points, to create a reasonable grade distribution.

DO NOT TRUST WHAT CANVAS SAYS ABOUT YOUR AVERAGE GRADE. If Canvas says you got 36 points on a particular paper, that should be reliable. But if Canvas says your average for the semester so far is 90.32%, that might be wrong by a significant margin.

Academic Integrity Policy

Academic integrity requires that we not try to pass off other people's work as our own. On the basis of experience in past years, I would say that if an academic dishonesty case were to occur in this course, it would probably be either:

    A student copies from the paper of a student in an adjacent seat, during a test.

    One student copies another student's paper on an assignment, maybe changing a few words and substituting synonyms, but leaving the two papers still so similar that it is obvious the resemblance could not be coincidence. I would be likely to bring charges both against the student who copied and the student who allowed his or her paper to be copied.

Submitting a paper written by an AI program like ChatGPT would also be cheating. I have never charged a student with cheating by using an AI program. But the AI programs are sometimes bad enough that they really should be called "Artificial Stupidity" not "Artificial Intelligence." Some of the papers I read are bad in ways that lead me to suspect they might have been written by an AI program. I do not charge the students with cheating because I cannot be sure. But I give the students very low grades because the papers are bad.

Attendance Policy

You are allowed up to six cuts INCLUDING EXCUSED ABSENCES. You lose two points for every unexcused absense after that. I would advise you not to take even five. I am going to be saying quite a few things in lectures that are not in the reading. Even if you are very careful about doing all the assigned reading, you will have trouble answering the questions on my tests if you have not been at the lectures..

If the midterm test was scheduled for a class that was cancelled due to inclement weather, it will be given at the next class meeting unless students are told otherwise by the instructor.

Policy on late work

Under normal circumstances, my policy for most written assignments is: If you do not turn it in on time, you will be able to make it up. However, you will be marked off for lateness. You will be marked off even if your excuse is very, very good. You can avoid a penalty only if I have told you before the work was due that you would be able to do it late without penalty. 10-point short questions about the reading are not accepted late at all, but if you miss getting one in by thirty seconds, that will just be one of the ones that do not count toward the final grade. Don't miss more than two.

Title IX (Sexual Harassment) Statement

Clemson University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, pregnancy, national origin, age, disability, veteran's status, genetic information or protected activity in employment, educational programs and activities, admissions and financial aid. This includes a prohibition against sexual harassment and sexual violence as mandated by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. This policy is located at Ms. Alesia Smith is the Clemson University Title IX Coordinator, and the Executive Director of Equity Compliance. Her office is located at 110 Holtzendorff Hall, 864.656.3181 (voice) or 864.656.0899 (TDD).

Accessibility Statement

Clemson University values the diversity of our student body as a strength and a critical component of our dynamic community. Students with disabilities or temporary injuries/conditions may require accommodations due to barriers in the structure of facilities, course design, technology used for curricular purposes, or other campus resources. Students who experience a barrier to full access to this class should let the professor know, and make an appointment to meet with a staff member in Student Accessibility Services as soon as possible. You can make an appointment by calling 864-656-6848, by emailing, or by visiting Suite 239 in the Academic Success Center building. Appointments are strongly encouraged – drop-ins will be seen if at all possible, but there could be a significant wait due to scheduled appointments. Students who receive Academic Access Letters are strongly encouraged to request, obtain and present these to their professors as early in the semester as possible so that accommodations can be made in a timely manner. It is the student's responsibility to follow this process each semester. You can access further information here:

If I am Late

If I have not gotten to class by 10:20, you can give up on me and leave.

Assigned reading

There are three books you should buy:


January 8: Introduction to the class

January 10: European Expansion
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 358-375

January 13: The Slave Trade; Development of the World Market
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 375-389

January 15: Europe’s Social and Political Order: "Absolutism"
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 391-409

January 17: Europe’s Social and Political Order: Less absolute governments
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 409-424

January 20: Martin Luther King's Birthday Holiday: NO CLASS

January 22: The First Scientific Revolution
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 425-436

January 24: The Enlightenment, 1600-1800
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 436-448
Hunt, pp. 35-37

January 27: Ideas about Human Rights in the Enlightenment
Hunt, pp. 38-67

January 29: Struggles for Power in the 18th Century
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 451-468

January 31: European societies in the 18th century; the American Revolution
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 468-485

February 3: The French Revolution begins
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 487-494
Hunt, pp. 68-80

February 5: The French Revolution turns more radical
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 494-499
Hunt, pp. 81-108

February 7: The Terror and its aftermath
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 499-505
Hunt, pp. 108-130

February 10: Napoleon
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 505-515
Hunt, pp. 131-136

February 12: Forty-point paper based on documents in the volume edited by Hunt, exact topic to be announced. Please cite at least four pieces of evidence from DOCUMENTS (not just comments by Hunt) in Hunt. For each, make it clear what the document was--identify it by author or title--and where in Hunt the statement appeared. Thus (Robespierre, p. 80) or (Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, p. 76) would be an adequate source citation. Turn in on Canvas by midnight February 12.

February 14: The Beginning of the Industrial Revolution
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 517-530

February 17, 19: The Impact of the Industrial Revolution; Ideology and Politics, 1815-1847
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 530-564

February 21: MIDTERM TEST

February 24: Reform and Revolution
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 564-574

February 26: Marxism
The Communist Manifesto, Introduction, Part I, and Part II.

February 28, March 3: Nationalism and Statebuilding: Unifying Nations, 1850-1870
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 577-596

March 4, 6: Democracy and the New Imperialism, 1870-1914
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 597-624

March 5, 7: Western Society, 1850-1914
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 625-653

March 10, 12: World War I
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 654-674

March 14: The Russian Revolution
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 674-681

March 17-21: SPRING BREAK

March 24 Newspaper research exercise. Look at at least four articles published between October and December 1917, dealing with the Russian Revolution. By the beginning of October the Bolshevik Party or Balsheviki, headed by Lenin (often spelled Lenine). By the end of the year Lenin and the Bolsheviks were running the government of Russia.

There is no requirement that you use The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, or The Times of London, but those papers have the advantage that you can access them online through the HISTORICAL databases on Clemson Library's Databases Page.

Write an essay of about two pages (typed double spaced), or more, about what you found. Say what there was in the articles that you found interesting or surprising. Evaluate them for bias. Was the author clearly suppporting one group against another, or wasn't there any real indication of the author's attitude? Is there anything that leads you to distrust the articles, or to think that the facts may be being distorted to fit the author's viewpoint? Do they use loaded language? Notice the source; did the reporter say that something was true, or only that somebody else had said it was true? For an author to quote a statement by some official or politician is not necessarily evidence that the author agreed with the statement. If you say there is bias, please make it clear exactly what was said, that you consider biased. Please make sure that when I read your paper I will always be able to tell which things are your own opinions, and which are the opinions expressed in the articles you read.

Make it clear what each article was about.

I want to see one essay based on several articles, not a string of essentially separate mini-essays, each based on a single article. Try to select articles that will give you something interesting to say, and that will allow you to have some unifying themes in your essay.

Give source notes. I want to be able to tell in each section of your paper which article or articles you are discussing in that section. It is not enough to have a list at the end, if I can't tell as I read the paper which article you are discussing where. Source notes must give the date of each article, and also the title of the publication, the title of the article, and if possible the name of the author. Giving a link to the text of the article is good, but if you give link you still need to tell me what the article was, to help me decided whether to click on that link. Please tell me the name of the publication that originally published the article. If you go through a ProQuest database to get to an article originally published by the New York Times, that is a New York Times article, not a ProQuest article.

I will not be picky about the format of source notes as long as they tell me what I need to know. If you have a Works Cited page at the end, give complete identification of each article there, and just a short identification in your text. Thus you could list
"China Seeks a Free Hand," New York Times, January 23, 1919, p. 2,
in your Works Cited and just ("China Seeks a Free Hand") in the text of your paper where you are discussing that article.

Please turn your essay in on Canvas by midnight Wednesday.

March 26: The aftermath of World War I: The Rise of Fascism
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 685-697

March 28: Nazis, the Great Depression, and Stalinism
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 697-708

March 31: Wang Fucheng, a peasant growing up in the boondocks of northern China
Seybolt, Introduction and Chapter 1

April 2: The Origins of World War II
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 711-19

April 4: World War II, 1939-1945
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 719-28

April 7: The end of World War II and the beginning of the Cold War
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 728-40

April 9: The Cold War spreads worldwide
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 740-747
Seybolt, Chapter 2

April 11: Cold War, continued
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 747-752
Seybolt, Chapters 3-4

April 14: Decolonization; the Middle East
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 752-760
Seybolt, Chapters 5-6

April 16: The late Cold War period
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 760-769
Seybolt, Chapters 7-8

April 18: The collapse of the Soviet Union; the recent West
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 773-87

April 21: Recent Asia
Sherman and Salisbury, p. 788 Seybolt, Chapters 9-10

April 23: The Middle East and Afghanistan; Global Problems
Sherman and Salisbury, pp. 788-803

April 25: the COVID Pandemic and recent events


April 29: FINAL EXAM, 3:00 PM

Edwin Moïse's homepage

Military History Atlases (U.S. Military Academy, West Point)

Last modified March 24, 2024.