History 173, section 1

Western Civilization since about 1648

Mon-Wed-Fri, 11:15, Hardin 233

Spring term, 2005

Prof. Edwin E. Moise
Office: Hardin 102
Office phones: 656-5369, 656-3153
Home phone: 654-7087

Messages can be left in my mailbox in Hardin 124, or in the box on my office door.

Office Hours

    Monday     10:10-11:00, 2:30-3:20
    Tuesday    11:00-12:15
    Wednesday  10:10-11:00, 2:30-3:20
    Thursday   11:00-12:15
    Friday     10:10-11:00 

Course Objectives

To give students an overview of the development of Western civilization and its interaction with the world, from about the 17th century up to the present day.

What goes into your grade

Your grade in the course will be based mainly on the written work I have assigned. You cannot do extra papers for extra credit. You can improve your grade by participating in class discussion. The best way to pick up extra points is to argue against me in class; If you can point out to me that I have made a mistake you get two points in the gradebook. If you present a good clear argument that I am wrong about something, with evidence, then your grade may be boosted even if you do not succeed in convincing me.

There will be no big course paper, but I will assign one short paper, which should be at least a page and a half, if typed double spaced. It is worth 40 points. There will be one in-class essay quiz, 20 points. The midterm test (70 points) and the final exam (120 points) will be mostly essay questions. I will give some very short quizzes which are just objective questions (these are not on the syllabus, but they will be announced during the previous class), but these only count ten points each; they will be mainly intended to make sure that you are doing the reading. There are two map exercises, worth 20 points each.

I use a 90%, 80%, 70% scale, sometimes modified in favor of students but never against them. In other words, a 90% average for the semester is guaranteed to be an A, 80% is guaranteed to be a B, and 70% is guaranteed to be a C. But 89% or 88% might perhaps become an A, depending on how the class as a whole is doing.

Academic Integrity Policy

"As members of the Clemson University community, we have inherited Thomas Green Clemson's vision of this institution as a 'high seminary of learning.' Fundamental to this vision is a mutual commitment to truthfulness, honor, and responsibility, without which we cannot earn the trust and respect of others. Furthermore, we recognize that academic dishonest detracts from the value of a Clemson degree. Therefore, we shall not tolerate lying, cheating, or stealing in any form."

What does this mean in practical terms, in this course? Really two things:

  1) In-class tests and quizzes are closed-book. You are supposed to get information only from your memory while writing your answers, not by sneaking looks at books, notes, or your neighbor's paper.

  2) Students are not supposed to help each other do take-home assignments after the assignment has been given out. Students studying together to learn material for tests and quizzes is perfectly OK. Indeed, it is an excellent idea. But if two students work together on a map exercise or on a take-home essay assignment, and as a result the papers handed in by the two students resemble one another much too closely to be coincidence, I will bring charges of academic dishonesty against both of them. If a fellow student asks to see your paper or a map exercise, to see how the assignment was supposed to be done, say no. They should come to me if they want further explanation of how the assignment was to be done.

Policy on late work

If you miss the essay quiz, either of the two tests, or any take-home assignment, then with any reasonable excuse you will be able to make it up. (In regard to take-home assignments, there will be a time limit of one week for make-up, except in extraordinary cases.) However, you will be marked off for lateness. You will be marked off even if your excuse is very, very good. You can avoid a penalty only if I have told you before the work was due that you would be able to do it late without penalty.

If you miss a ten point objective quiz you are out of luck; there is no make-up even with a good excuse. However, the worst grade on a ten point objective quiz for any particular student does not get counted, so if you only miss one of them it will not hurt you too badly.

Any student who has an average of 90% or better, for work up to the final exam, will be permitted to exempt the final.

Attendance policy

You are allowed up to six cuts INCLUDING EXCUSED ABSENCES. You lose two points for every unexcused absense after that. I would advise you not to take even five. I am going to be saying quite a few things in lectures that are not in the reading. Even if you are very careful about doing all the assigned reading, you will have trouble answering the questions on my tests if you have not been at the lectures.

If I am Late

If I have not gotten to class by five minutes after it was supposed to begin, I would be grateful if a student would go bang on my office door and see whether I am there. If I still have not arrived by ten minutes after the time the class was supposed to begin, you can give up on me and leave.

Assigned reading

There are four books you should buy:
    Western Heritage brief edition 3d ed. vol II, by Kagan et. al.
    The French Revolution and Human Rights, by Hunt
    All Quiet on the Western Front, by Remarque
    The Communist Manifesto, by Marx and Engels

There will also be at least one reading assignment that I will make available online.

Course Outline

The following course outline is tentative. It may be modified slightly by class request, or as a result of shifts in what I find practical to place online.

January 12: Introduction to the course

January 14: Kagan 241-248: 17th century England


January 19: Kagan 248-258: 17th century France

January 21: Kagan chapter 14: The age of the scientific revolution

January 24: Kagan chapter 15: Assorted European countries

January 26: Kagan 289-298: 18th century society; ESSAY QUIZ

January 28: Kagan 298-308: Economic Expansion.

January 31: Kagan chapter 17: colonial empires and the American Revolution

February 2: Kagan chapter 18: The Enlightenment

February 4: Kagan 351-353, and Hunt 1-31: The beginning of the French Revolution, 1789

February 7: Hunt, pp. 35-70: Human Rights issues

February 9: Kagan 353-356 and Hunt 71-83: The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, 1789

February 11: Kagan 356-368: French Revolution continued

February 14: Hunt, pp. 84-118

February 16: Hunt, pp. 119-139

February 18: Hand in short paper, about two pages (or more) double-spaced, on the question: Evaluate the arguments of at least four of the authors writing about the issue of women, in pages 119-139 of Hunt. How much sense are they making? If they are making foolish statements, do you have any idea why they were making them? If you are citing a particular statement, please make sure I can tell who made the statement and also give the page number on which you found it, like this (p. 122).

February 21: Kagan, chapter 20: Napoleon

February 23: Kagan, chapter 21: restoring the international order

February 25: MIDTERM TEST

February 28: Kagan, chapter 22: industry and the Revolutions of 1848

March 2: Read Marx and Engels, The Communist Manifesto

March 4: Kagan, chapter 23: Nation states in the late 19th century

March 7: Kagan chapter 24: late 19th century society.

March 9: Kagan chapter 25: late 19th century thought

March 11: Kagan, pp. 488-499: The beginning of World War I

March 14: Remarque, pp. 7-70

March 16: Remarque, pp. 71-137

March 18: Remarque, pp. 137-200


March 28: Remarque, pp. 201-255

March 30: Kagan, pp. 504-510: The Russian Revolution and the end of World War I.

April 1: Map Exercise showing the shrinkage of the territory of both Russia and Germany as a result of the First World War and related events.

April 4: Kagan, chapter 27: politics in the 1920s.

April 6: Kagan, pp. 535-542: The Depression and the Nazis

April 8: Kagan, pp. 542-548: Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union

April 11: Kagan 550-560: World War II

April 13: Kagan 560-580: The end of World War II, and further discussion.

April 15: Kagan 594-601: The Cold War.

April 18: Kagan 601-604 (decolonization), and begin reading Edwin Moise, "The Vietnam Wars" on the web.

April 20: Finish Moise, "The Vietnam Wars" on the web.

April 22: Kagan 580-591, 604-606: Recent developments in Western society

April 25: Kagan 606-618. The end of the Cold War

April 27: The West and the Muslim World

April 29: Recent events, and review

Final exam: Wednesday, May 4, 8:00 a.m.


Link to map of The Middle East

Link to map of Africa



Edwin Moïse's homepage

Revised January 8, 2005.