Vietnam War Bibliography:

U.S. Marines

David E. Adams, Hill 55: Just South of Danang Vietnam. 1stBooks. The publisher has labelled this as a novel, but the author says it is a memoir. Adams was in Vietnam November 1966 to March 1967, with 1st Platoon, A Company, 1/26 Marines.

John Akins, Nam Au Go Go: Falling for the Vietnamese Goddess of War. Port Jefferson, NY: Vineyard Pres, 2005. 262 pp. Akins arrived in Vietnam in February 1968, served in E Company, 2/1 Marines during operation Pegasus (the relief of Khe Sanh), then was assigned to CAP 1-1-4, then sent for a month of Vietnamese language training, then sent to CAP 1-1-7.

Charles Anderson, The Grunts. Novato, CA: Presidio, 1976. pb New York: Berkley, 1984, xviii, 236 pp. B Company of the 1/3 Marine Battalion, in Operation VIRGINIA RIDGE, close to the DMZ, April to June 1969. Day after day of exhausting marches through the sun, without seeing any enemy troops, and then an enemy mortar scored a direct hit on the Marines' ammunition stockpile and the explosion killed thirteen men. Unpleasant, but very much worth reading.

John Arsenault, LtCol. USMC (ret), and Thomas Gourneau, USCG, LZ Sitting Duck: The Fight for FSB Argonne. Liberty Hill Publishing, 2021. 272 pp. 1/4 Marines, March 1969, northwest of Khe Sanh very close both to the DMZ and to Laos.

Phil Ball, Ghosts and Shadows: A Marine in Vietnam, 1968-1969. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1998.

Dan A. Barker, Warrior of the Heart. Chevy Chase, MD: Burning Cities, 1992. 275 pp.

Bloody Bill, A Few Good Men . . . Very Few. New York: Vantage, 1988. 176 pp. Memoir by a Marine, quite negative about the Corps. Publication was announced, but the book seems to have gotten hardly any distribution.

Grady T. Birdsong, To the Sound of the Guns: 1st Battalion, 27th Marines from Hawaii to Vietnam 1966-1968. Birdquill LLC, 2018. 434 pp.

Tom Bissell, The Father of All Things: A Marine, His Son, and the Legacy of Vietnam. New York: Pantheon, 2007. xiii, 407 pp. John Bissell, the author's father, served in Vietnam 1965-66 as a Captain in the Marines. The book apparently covers numerous aspects of the war (not just the parts in which John Bissell was involved), and its aftermath and legacies.

Captain Robert L. "Bob" Bowen, USMC, Retired, edited by Robin Kern, My Live and Lens: The Story of a Marine Corps Combat Correspondent. Bloomington, IN: iUniverse, 2017. xxi, 388 pp. Bowen began his first tour in Vietnam, as a correspondent for Leatherneck magazine, assigned to III MAF, in January 1966.

Samuel Brantley, Zero Dark Thirty. Central Point, Oregon: Hellgate, 2002. xiii, 270 pp. Brantley initially served as an A-4 pilot with VMA-21 ("December," "Green Knights," "Brand X"), based at Chu Lai. Later he became a Forward Air Controller for the 1/7 Marines, not far from Danang; he was there when the Tet Offensive hit.

Barry Michael Broman, Risk Taker, Spy Maker: Tales of a CIA Case Officer. Havertown, PA: Casemate, 2020. 312 pp. Broman worked 1962- as a photographer for AP based in Bangkok, but some work in Cambodia. Then became a Marine officer, went to Vietnam in 1969, served 7 months with Company H, 2/5 Marines, mostly near An Hoa (Quang Nam province?). Finished his 13-month tour as a civil affairs officer for 1st Marine Division. Extended for an additional 6 months, part of that time a MACV liaison officer in Bangkok. Then had a much longer career in CIA, beginning in Cambodia May 1973 to April 1975.

Barry Michael Broman, Indochina Hand: Tales of a CIA Case Officer. Havertown, PA: Casemate, 2024. 288 pp. Broman says he has tried to avoid duplicating stories used in his first book.

George Brondsema, Born in the '40s, Raised in the '50s, Died in the '60s. PublishAmerica, 2006. 188 pp. Brondsema's first tour, 1965-66, was with the 2/3 Marines, 3d Marine Division. His second tour, 1967-68, was interrupted when he was wounded at Khe Sanh.

Jim Brown, Impact Zone: The Battle of the DMZ in Vietnam, 1967-1968. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2004. xi, 277 pp. Brown joined the Marines in February 1966, finished OCS in May, and was trained for artillery. He arrived in Vietnam in June 1967 and was assigned to C Battery, 1/12 Marine Artillery (105mm howitzers), then based at Camp Carroll near the DMZ. He remained part of C Battery when sent to serve as a forward observer with the 3/3 Marines at the Rockpile. He later served at Khe Sanh, Con Thien, etc.

Peter Brush, "Big Guns of Camp Carroll." Vietnam Magazine, 10:2 (August 1997), pp. 26-32. A slightly different version is online at the author's web site.

Peter Brush, "What Really Happened at Cam Ne?" Vietnam Magazine, 16:2 (August 2003), pp. 28-33. Reporting by Morley Safer, of CBS, showing the 1/9 Marines burning peasant homes in the village of Cam Ne, near Danang, caused a major controversy. The text has been placed online at Peter Brush has also placed a slightly different version, with footnotes, online.

William L. Buchanan, Full Circle: A Marine Rifle Company in Vietnam. Bay Laurel Press, 2003. 264 pp. Buchanan was in Vietnam 1966-67; he commanded a platoon in G Company, 2/5 Marines. The book includes documents, and interviews with other men from the unit.

Col. Richard D. Camp, Jr., with Eric Hammel, Lima-6: A Marine Company Commander in Vietnam. New York: Athenium, 1989. xvi, 295 pp.  Pacifica, CA: Pacifica Press, 1999.  xvi, 295 pp.  Camp served in the area near Highway 9, from Dong Ha to Khe Sanh, from June 1967 to January 1968.

Richard D. Camp, Three War Marine Hero: General Raymond G. Davis. Havertown, PA: Casemate, 2020. 231 pp. Part Six (chapters 32-36) covers Davis' Vietnam Service. He was deputy commander of Provisional Corps Vietnam from March to May 1968, then commander of the Third Marine Division until April 1969. Camp was his aide-de-camp when he was at Provisional Corps Vietnam.

Thomas Campbell, "Facing the Enemy." Naval History, February 1996, pp. 42-45. Cambell became an adviser to RVN Marines late in 1965. Interesting items include an incident of a PAVN soldier who only appeared to be chained to his machine gun.

Philip Caputo, A Rumor of War. New York: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston, 1977. Pb New York: Ballantine, 1978. xxi, 328 pp. Memoirs of a Marine Corps Lieutenant who arrived in Vietnam at the very beginning of the U.S. buildup there, in March 1965, with C Company, 1/3 Marines. He served for about a year, and ended up getting court-martialled for the killing of a Vietnamese civilian. A very good account.

Tom Clancy, with General Tony Zinni (Ret.) and Tony Koltz, Battle Ready. New York: Putnam, 2004. 450 pp. General Anthony C. Zinni collaborated with Tom Clancy in writing his life story. Chapter 2 (pp. 23-111) covers his two tours in Vietnam. He arrived in Vietnam for his first tour in March 1967, as a Marine 1st lieutenant. He was an adviser first briefly with the Vietnamese Marine Corps (VNMC) 4th Battalion in the Rung Sat, then with the VNMC 5th Battalion in Binh Dinh, then in various other areas. He was evacuated from Vietnam, dangerously ill, in December 1967. He arrived in Vietnam for his second tour around the beginning of September 1970, and was given command of Company A, 1/5 Marines. He was badly wounded in November 1967, and evacuated.

Clair William Clark II, Land, Sea and Foreign Shore: A Missileer's Story. Xlibris. 410 pp. Describes Clark's training as a Marine officer, and his service in Vietnam March-August 1969 with the 1st Light Anti-aircraft Missile Battalion, a Hawk missile unit at Danang.

Johnnie M. Clark, Guns Up!. pb New York: Ballantine, 1988. 357 pp. Rev. ed. with new epilogue: New York: Ballantine, 2002. vii, 354 pp. Clark, a USMC machine gunner, arrived in Vietnam during the Tet Offensive and was assigned to the 1/5 Marines, then engaged in the fight for Hue.

James P. Coan, Con Thien: The Hill of Angels. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2004. 360 pp. Coan himself, as a tank platoon leader in Alpha Company, 3d Tank Battalion, 3d Marine Division, was at Con Thien (an important position just south of the DMZ) for a while, I think 1967-68. But the book covers more than the period Coan was there.

Charles Coe, Young Man in Vietnam. 1968. Reprinted with new preface: New York: Scholastic, 1990. viii, 115 pp. Intended for young readers but not euphemized. Coe was a Marine lieutenant, who arrived in Vietnam probably about August or September 1965, and left, seriously wounded, before the end of the year.

Stephen Cone, Loss of Innocence: A History of Hotel Company, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines in Vietnam. FriesonPress, 2012. 424 pp.

Michael R. Conroy, Don't Tell America.  Red Bluff, CA: Eagle Publishing, 1994.  iii, 499 pp. Operation Dewey Canyon.  Conroy was a scout with the 1/9 Marines.

Lieutenant General Charles G. Cooper, USMC, Ret., with Richard E. Goodspeed, Cheers and Tears: A Marine's Story of Combat in Peace and War. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada: Trafford Press/Reno, Nevada: Wesley Press, 2002. vi, 233 pp. The Introduction describes a meeting in November 1965, at which the Joint Chiefs recommended decisive action against North Vietnam, and President Johnson cursed them out. Chapters 19-21 cover his 1969-70 tour in Vietnam, initially as Secretary of the General Staff for III MAF, then as commander of the 1/7 Marines.

Robert Coram, Brute: The Life of Victor Krulak, U.S. Marine. New York: Little, Brown (Hachette), 2010. 374 pp. Krulak had a long career, so this biography cannot go into great detail about his involvement with Vietnam, first as Special Assistant for Counterinsurgency and Special Activities (SACSA) under Kennedy, and then as the commander of Fleet Marine Force, Pacific under Lyndon Johnson.

Gary K. Cowart, Blood on Red Dirt: The True Story of a Marine Corporal in Vietnam 1968. Amazon Digital Services, 2012. Cowart arrived in Vietnam at the beginning of 1968, and served with the 3/11 Marines, 1st Marine Division.

Franklin Cox, Lullabies for Lieutenants: Memoir of a Marine Forward Observer in Vietnam, 1965-1966. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2010. x, 210 pp.

Victor J. Croizat, Journey Among Warriors: The Memoirs of a Marine. White Mane Publishing, 1996. 248 pp. Croizat arrived in Vietnam in 1954, and became in 1955 the first U.S. adviser to the Vietnamese Marine Corps. But he had a diverse life; I wouldn't assume that this memoir (which I have not seen) is devoted mainly to Vietnam.

John J. Culbertson, Operation Tuscaloosa: 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines, at An Hoa, 1967. New York: Ivy, 1997. xii, 243 pp. Culbertson arrived in Vietnam at the end of December, and was assigned to H Company, 2/5 Marines. The book covers his first month in combat, January 1967: Arizona Territory, Song Thu Bon, and nearby areas.

Delano Cummings, Moon Dash Warrior.  Signal Tree, 1998.  282 pp.  Cummings, a Lumbee Indian from North Carolina, served as a Marine.

Gene R. Dark, The Brutality of War: A Memoir of Vietnam. Lincoln, Nebraska: iUniverse, 2007. Pelican, 2009. 192 pp. Dark enlisted in the Marines at the end of 1968 and arrived in Vietnam in July 1969. He was in F Company, 2/5 Marines, and spent at least some time in the Arizona Territory (Quang Nam province).

G. M. Davis, My War in the Jungle: The Long-Delayed Memoir of a Marine Lieutenant in Vietnam 1968–69. Bloomington, IN: Archway, 2021. 220 pp. Davis commanded a rifle platoon in Quang Tri province.

James M. Dixon, Things I'll Never Forget: Memories of a Marine in Vietnam. Do Right Press, 2016. 318 pp.

Robert P. Dodd, Dragon in the Bamboo. AuthorHouse, 2005. 135 pp. Dodd served the the 1st Marines, 1968-1969.

Jerome Doherty, A Civilian in Green Clothes. Raleigh, NC: Ivy House, 2007. xvi, 206 pp. Doherty was commissioned in June 1963. In April 1964, he was assigned to H Company, 2/7 Marines (p. 45). He landed in the Danang area March 8, 1965 (p. 64). The bulk of the book covers his Vietnam tour.

Captain Joseph B. Drachnik was Chief of the Navy Section, Military Assistance Advisory Group, Vietnam (chief adviser to the Vietnamese Navy), from December 1961 to January 1964. The Virtual Vietnam Archive of the Vietnam Project, at Texas Tech University, has begun to place online, in the Joseph Drachnik Collection, some documents from his files. I don't know how large this body of material will eventually become, but I am optimistic. Since the U.S. Marine advisers to the Vietnamese Marine Corps also were under Drachnik, the collection also contains some (though not much) information about them. For a partial listing see Navy Documents.

Simon Dunstan, 1st Marine Division in Vietnam. Zenith Press, 2008. 128 pp.

W[illiam] D[aniel] Ehrhart, Ordinary Lives: Platoon 1005 and the Vietnam War. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1999. 333 pp. Ehrhart traces what happened, through service in Vietnam and after the war, to the men of the training platoon with which he himself underwent Marine Corps basic training at Parris Island in 1966.

W. D. Ehrhart, Vietnam-Perkasie: A Combat Marine's Memoir. (hb Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1983?) pb New York: Zebra, 1985. Ehrhart did intelligence work as a private, later corporal, with the 1/1 Marines in Vietnam from early 1967 to early 1968; was wounded in Hue February 1968.

Daryl J. Eigen, A Hellish Place of Angels: Con Thien: One Man's Journey. iUniverse, 2012. 222 pp. Eigen served in the 3/26 and 2/9 Marines, Third Marine Division. The Battle of con Thien, September 1967, was at or near the end of his tour.

Thomas Elliott, Two Years to Serve: Recollections of a Drafted Marine: Half a Century After the Vietnam War. Charleston, SC: Palmetto Publishing, 2022. 262 pp. Elliott was drafted in 1966, arrived in Vietnam in December 1966 with L Company, 3/26 Marines, participated in Operation Chinook in the northern part of Thua Thien province, later transferred to a CAP.

Jack Estes, A Field of Innocence. Pb New York: Warner, 1990. 277 pp. Estes arrived in Vietnam June 1968, assigned to 3/9 Marines, 3d Division.

Kenneth W. Estes, Marines under Armor: The Marine Corps and the Armored Fighting Vehicle, 1916-2000. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 2000. xvi, 267 pp.

Arthur C. Farrington, Pacific Odyssey: Connections. Manhattan, KS: Sunflower University Press, 2003. 313 pp. Covers Farrington's USMC service in WWII, Korean and Vietnam. He did explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) for 2nd Marine Air Wing at Chu Lai in late 1967, then was sent to Khe Sanh.

FAST-VAL (Forward Air Strike Evaluation Model). Despite its name, this mathematical model considered the effects of ground weapons in combat, not just air power. The Rand (RAND) Corporation, a "think tank" financed by the U.S. military, published a variety of studies comparing the model's predictions with actual combat experiences of U.S. Marines in I Corps. Most Rand publications can be purchased in hard copy through the RAND Corporation online bookstore, but many also can be read online for free. Most of the FAST-VAL studies were originally classified "Secret." In the case of the ones that are not available today, I am not sure whether this is because they simply have never been declassified, or for some other reason.

Barry Fixler, Semper Cool: One Marine's Fond Memories of Vietnam. Exalt Press, 2010. Fixler was at Khe Sanh, among other places. Names have been changed.

Ron Flesch, Redwood Delta (New York: Berkley, 1988). Flesch served with the 1/9 Marines near Danang, June 1965 to March 1966.

Col. Wesley L. Fox, USMC (Ret.), Marine Rifleman: Forty-Three Years in the Corps. Washington: Brassey's, 2002. xv, 395 pp. As a 1st Lieutenant commanding Company A, 1/9 Marines, 3d Marine Division, Fox won the Medal of Honor in February 1969, near the border between Quang Tri province and Laos, in Operation Dewey Canyon.

Danny M. Francis, The Last Ride Home. American Book Publishing, 2004. 296 pp. Mostly deals with Francis' first tour, 1965-66 with the 2/1 Marines, including Operation Harvest Moon, December 1965, in which the unit suffered heavy casualties.

Albert French, Patches of Fire: A Story of War and Redemption. New York: Anchor Doubleday, 1997. 304 pp. Memoir of service in Vietnam, and recovery from trauma, by a black Marine who was with E Co., 2/7 Marines, until badly wounded in December 1965.

Norman J. Fulkerson, An American Knight: The Life of Colonel John W. Ripley, USMC. Spring Grove, PA: The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, 2009. Ripley is most famous for his role in blocking PAVN forces moving southward toward Quang Tri city during the Easter Offensive, by destroying the bridge at Dong Ha on April 2, 1972.

Gerald R. Gems, Viet Nam Vignettes: Tales of the Magnificent Bastards. St. Johann Press, 2006. 147 pp. Gems served 1967-68 with the 2/4 Marines.

David Gerhardt, Vietnam: The Last Combat Marines, expanded edition. G. Hart, LLC, 2022. 329 pp. On May 7, 1971, F Company, 2/1 Marines, First Marine Division, the last Marine unit still engaged in combat operations in Vietnam, pulled out of the field to prepare for redeployment to the United States. Expanded edition II, apparently available only in Kindle, was dated 2024. There presumably must also have been an original, unexpanded edition, but I have not seen publication data on that one.

Oscar Gilbert, Marine Corps Tank Battles in Vietnam. Casemate, 2007. 304 pp.

Doyle D. Glass, Lions of Medina: An Epic Account of Marine Valor During the Vietnam War. Coleche Press, 2007. 450 pp. Company C, 1/1 Marines, 1st Marine Division, with particular emphasis on Operation Medina, October 11-20, 1967, in the Hai Lang National Forest (PAVN Base Area 101), south of Quang Tri.

Doyle D. Glass, Swift Sword: The Marines of Mike 3/5. Coleche Press, 2014. M Company, 3/5 Marines, during Operation Swift in the Que Son Valley, September 1967. They had serious problems with their M16 rifles.

Mac Gober and William R. Kimball, Unchained. Gober, a Marine, returned from Vietnam very violent, joined a motorcycle gang.

Don W. Griffis, Eagle Days: A Marine Legal/Infantry Officer in Vietnam. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2007. xiv, 174 pp. Griffis, a Marine lawyer, arrived in Vietnam June 1968, assigned to the legal office of Force Logistics Command, in the Danang area. But he quickly took on a second job as commander of the Provisional Rifle Company, an infantry unit made up of Marines who like Griffis had other jobs, but who served part-time as combat infantry, strengthening local security. Served until June 1969.

Richard A. Guidry, The War in I Corps. New York: Ivy, 1998. 243 pp. Guidry, a black Marine, arrived in Vietnam April 1967, was assigned to B Company, 1/4 Marines near the DMZ, and served until May 1968.

Eric Hammel, Ambush Valley: I Corps, Vietnam--The Story of a Marine Infantry Battalion's Battle for Survival. Novato, CA: Presidio, 1990. ix, 335 pp. 3/26 Marines near Con Thien, September 1967.

Theodore M. Hammett, Entwined with Vietnam: A Reluctant Marine's Tour and Return. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2022. xiii, 269 pp. Hammett was already antiwar by the time he was commissioned a Marine officer. About fifty pages are devoted to his Vietnam tour, which I think was 1968-69, as supply officer of a field hospital in northern I Corps.

William H. Hardwick, Down South: One Tour in Vietnam. New York: Presidio/Ballantine, 2004. xviii, 204 pp. Hardwick arrived in Vietnam in September 1968, an artillery second lieutenant. He was attached to M Company, 3/7 Marines, as a forward observer for I Battery, 3/11 Marines. This was in the 1st Marine Division, a bit south of Danang. From January to March 1969, he was the fire support coordinator for the 3/7 Marines, on the battalion staff. Later, other jobs.

Roger L. Helle and William R. Kimball, Pointman. Helle, a Marine, served three tours and was severely wounded.

E. Michael Helms, The Proud Bastards. New York: Zebra, 1990. pb New York: Pocket Star Books (Simon & Schuster), 2004. 273 pp. Helms served with the 2/4 Marines near the DMZ, from 1967 until he was seriously wounded early in 1968.

Charles Henderson, Marshalling the Faithful: The Marines' First Year in Vietnam. New York: Berkeley, 1993. 460 pp.

Charles Henderson, Goodnight Saigon: The True Story of the U.S. Marines' Last Days in Vietnam. New York: Berkley Caliber (Penguin), 2005. xvii, 420 pp.

Charles Henderson, Jungle Rules: A True Story of Marine Justice in Vietnam. New York: Berkley Caliber (Penguin), 2006. xii, 479 pp. Centers on a legal case that occurred in the period 1967-1968. A black Marine, subject to racial harrassment, killed one of his white tormenters. Henderson says that although names and backgrounds of individuals have been changed, the events in the book are true, based on investigation records, court transcripts, and his conversations with a Marine Captain who was assigned to the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, First Marine Aircraft Wing, Danang, at the time of the events. There is a pretty good subject index. But the sources Henderson cites could not have given him a lot of the details in this book, including many conversations. Those have to have been invented, so I would classifiy this as semi-fiction.

Michael A. Hennessy, Strategy in Vietnam: The Marines and Revolutionary Warfare in I Corps, 1965-1972. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1997. 232 pp. The full text is available online to paid subscribers of Questia.

Michael C. Hodgins, Reluctant Warrior: A True Story of Duty and Heroism in Vietnam. New York: Fawcett, 1997. Lt. Hodgins served 1969-70, first in H Co., 2/26 Marines, then in C Co., 1st Recon Bn, 1st Marine Division.

Thomas J. Holtzclaw, Letters from Tommy J.: A Marine's Story, 1966-1967. Compiled by Connie C. Hughes and Terri C. Walker; edited by Gina Webb. Walker Press, 2007. 128 pp. Letters written by PFC Holtzclaw, Fox Company, 2/1 Marines, who was killed in Operation Union, late April 1967.

Derl Horn, Blood, Sweat and Honor: Memoirs of a "Walking Dead" Marine in Vietnam. Createspace, 2015. 208 pp. Horn served with the 1/9 Marines, 3rd Marine Division. His unit suffered very heavy casualties in an ambush near Con Thien July 2, 1967, during Operation Buffalo.

William C. Howey, Hard Knocks and Straight Talk: From the Jungles of Vietnam to the American Classroom. Marco Island, FL: Keller Publishing, 2008. xii, 339 pp. Three chapters (pp. 59-146) cover Howey's service in Vietnam. He went for the first time in late 1964 as a Marine counterintelligence sergeant, working in IV Corps under the Army's 704th CI Detachment. During his second tour, July 1966 to August 1967 with Marines in I Corps, mostly at Dong Ha, he became an officer. His third tour, July 1968 to August 1969, he headed CI for Danang East TAOR.

Edward Hymoff, First Marine Division, Vietnam. New York: Lads, 1967. xiv, 130 pp.

Howard Jablon, "General David M. Shoup, U.S.M.C.: Warrior and War Protester." Journal of Military History, 60:3 (July 1996), pp. 513-538. Shoup retired from being Commandant of the Marine Corps in 1963; within a few years he was a public opponent of the Vietnam War. If you browse the Internet through an institution that has subscribed to JSTOR, you can access the text directly or go through the JSTOR Journal of Military History browse page.

Howard Jablon, David M. Shoup: A Warrior Against War. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005. xix, 140 pp.

Lt Col Steve Jacklin, The Journey: A Service Member's Memoir from Vietnam to Iraq and Everything in Between. Columbia, SC: Self-published, 2021. 3, iii, 195 pp. Jacklin's Vietnam service as an enlisted Marine in the 5th Marine Regiment, June 1970 to June 1971, is pp. 1-61.

Richard D. Jackson, Yesterdays Are Forever: A Rite of Passage Through the Marine Corps and Vietnam War. Protea, 2000. 244 pp. Jackson commanded a company, probably around 1968.

Jack W. Jaunal, Vietnam '68: Jack's Journal. San Francisco: Denson Press, 1981. iv, 164 pp. Memoir by an NCO who served in the Third Amphibian Tractor Battalion, and the First Reconnaissance Battalion supporting the First Marine Division, in the Danang area.

Maj. Gen. Harry W. Jenkins, USMC (Ret.), Challenges: Leadership in Two Wars, Washington DC, and Industry. New York: Fortis, 2020. 371 pp. Jenkins' Vietnam tour (for part or all of 1968 he commded M Company, 3/26 Marines), pp. 65-131, included Khe Sanh and Operations Mameluke Thrust and Meade River.

Ronald John Jensen, Tail End Charlie: Memoir of a United States Marine in the Vietnam War. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2004. 180 pp. Jensen was in Vietnam April 1969 to March 1970, with K Company, 3/26 Marines.

Bill Jones, The Body Burning Detail: Memoir of a Marine Artilleryman in Vietnam. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018. xiii, 188 pp.

Kenneth N. Jordan, Sr., Marines Under Fire: Alpha 1/1 in Vietnam: From Con Thien to Hue and Khe Sanh. Publish America, 2008. 514 pp. A Company, 1/1 Marines, January 1967 through spring 1968.

James R. Kelly, Casting Alpha: Amtracs in Vietnam. 1stBooks. Kelly served with A Company, 3rd Amtracs, 1966-67.

Jeff Kelly, DMZ Diary: A Combat Marine's Vietnam Memoir. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1992. Kelly was in 3/3 Marines 1968, as a forward air controller.

Chuck Ketterman, The Nature of the Beast. Authorhouse, 2004. 319 pp. Ketterman served 1967-68 with the 2/3 Marines; he was severely wounded during the Tet Offensive.

James J. Kirschke, Not Going Home Alone: A Marine's Story. New York: Ballantine, 2001. xiii, 298 pp. 1st Lieutenant Kirschke arrived in as commander of the mortar platoon of the 3/5 Marines, part of the Special Landing Force. His first landing was DECKHOUSE I in June 1966. After a few months he became commander of H Company, 2/5 Marines. He was in that position briefly, then became company XO for two days, then commanded a rifle platoon in the company until very severely wounded by a mine in January 1967.

Ron Kovic, Born on the Fourth of July. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976. Kovic was a Marine, whose wounds left him paralyzed from the waist down.

Lt. Gen. Victor H. Krulak, First to Fight: An Inside View of the U.S. Marine Corps. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1984. 252 pp. 43 pages are devoted to Marine Corps operations in Vietnam and to US policy (of which Krulak is rather critical) for the period, 1964-68, when Krulak was commander of Fleet Marine Force Pacific.

Lt. Colonel Gerald F. Kurth, Walk with Me: A Vietnam Experience. Leawood, KS: Leathers Publishing (Squire Publishing), 2000. xxii, 265 pp. Kurth, a Marine Captain, was in Vietnam August 1967 - September 1968, initially as Assistant S-3 Operations Officer of the 2/26 Marines in the Hue-Phu Bai TAOR, almost immediately bumped up to Operations Officer. Later in northern Quang Tri, including Khe Sanh.

Scott Laidig, Al Gray, Marine, vol. 1, The Early Years, 1950-1967. Arlington, VA: Potomac Institute Press, 2012. xxii, 440 pp. Gray (later Commandant of the Marine Corps) first went to Vietnam in 1964 as a major, leading a SIGINT detachment assigned to establish a listening post on Tiger Tooth Mountain, in Quang Tri province. This book, for which the author did considerable interviewing, is not a narrowly focused biography; there are many digressions, sometimes inaccurate, on aspects of the Vietnam War in which Gray was not directly involved.

John B. Lang, A Final Valiant Act: The Story of Doug Dickey, Medal of Honor. Philadelphia, PA: Casemate, 2020. xii, 296 pp. Dickey threw himself on a hand grenade to save other Marines, in northern Quang Tri, March 26, 1967.

Captain R.G. Lathrop, USMCR, "Eternally at War." Unpublished, undated manuscript. 129 pp. The Title page says "I Corps - Vietnam, January 1968 ~ April 1969, A4 Skyhawk Pilot" In fact the date January 1968 appears simply to refer to his flying into Danang as a ferry pilot, delivering an aircraft and promptly departing. His actual tour, flying A-4s based at Chu Lai, began in March 1968. The text has been placed on-line in the Virtual Vietnam Archive of the Vietnam Project at Texas Tech University, in four parts: pp. 1-39, pp. 40-77, pp. 78-108, and pp. 109-129 covering his last months, early in 1969, when he was at Danang, and in charge of a company of the Marines on perimeter defense in addition to his duties as a pilot.

Leatherneck: Magazine of the Marines. This monthly magazine is published by the Marine Corps Association, which is nominally a private organization, but has its offices on the Marine Corps base at Quantico, Virginia. Recent issues of the magazine have contained several articles about the role of the Marines in the Vietnam War.

Lt. Col. Alex Lee, Utter's Battalion: 2/7 Marines in Vietnam, 1965-66.  New York: Ballantine, 2000.  355 pp.  Has an index, which makes it more usable for historical purposes than most such books.

Otto J. Lehrack, The First Battle: Operation Starlite and the Beginning of the Blood Debt in Vietnam. Havertown, PA: Casemate, 2004. xix, 212 pp.

Otto J. Lehrack, No Shining Armor: The Marines at War in Vietnam, An Oral History. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1992. xxv, 398 pp. The 3/3 Marines, 1965 to 1969. Lehrack, as a Captain, commanded a company in this battalion, 1967-1968.

Otto J. Lehrack, The Road of 10,000 Pains: The Destruction of the 2nd NVA Division by the U.S. Marines, 1967. Minneapolis, MN: Zenith Press, 2010. xiii, 306 pp. About seven months of combat centering on the Que Son Valley.

Patrick J. Lisi, My Time in Hell. Port Washington, NY: Ashley Books, 1977. By a private (later corporal) who served in I Corps with the 2/5 Marines from mid 1968 to mid 1969.

James E. Livingston, with Colin D. Heaton and Anne-Marie Lewis, Noble Warrior: The Story of Maj. Gen. James E. Livingston, USMC (Ret.), Medal of Honor. Minneapolis, MN: Zenith Press (MBI Publishing), 2010. Livingston, than a Captain, won the Medal of Honor for his actions in the battle of Dai Do, near Dong Ha in Quang Tri province, as commander of E Company, 2/4 Marines, May 2, 1968. Livingston devotes a bit more than half the book to his 1967-68 tour in Vietnam, skips forward to 1975, and then has a few chapters on the aftermath of Vietnam, and general reflections.

Kyle Longley, The Morenci Marines: A Tale of Small Town America and the Vietnam War. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2013. 351 pp. Nine young men (including three Hispanics and one Native American) from Morenci, Arizona, joined the Marines in 1966 and went to Vietnam. Only three survived. Looks both at their experience in the Marine Corps and at their community.

Frank McAdams, Vietnam Rough Riders: A Convoy Commander's Memoir. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2013. xv, 263 pp. McAdams, a Marine lieutenant, was in I Corps 1968-69. He commanded truck convoys. Favorably reviewed on H-War.

Cameron D. McCoy, Contested Valor: African American Marines in the Age of Power, Protest, and Tokenism. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2023. xvii, 350 pp.

Stephen G. MacDonald, War Stories: An Enlisted Marine in Vietnam. Self published, 2011. 240 pp.

Robert C. McFarlane and Zofia Smardz, Special Trust. New York: Cadell & Davies, 1994. xiii, 399 pp. This is mostly about McFarlane's service in the Reagan administration in the 1980s, but one chapter deals with Vietnam. McFarlane arrived in Vietnam in March 1965, commanding Battery F (105mm howitzers), 2/12 Marines, but was there for only about a month. His second tour began in the fall of 1967; he was a fire support coordinator for the 9th Marine Divison near the DMZ. He gives few details about his experiences, but some interesting opinions (with which I do not agree) about the general patterns of the war.

Jim McGarrah, A Temporary Sort of Peace: A Memoir of Vietnam. Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Society, 2007. 251 pp. McGarrah was in Vietnam 1967-68. He served in the 3/9 Marines; I believe he also spent some time in a CAP team.

Jack McLean, Loon: A Marine Story. Presidio Press, 2009. 256 pp. McLean enlisted in the Marines in 1966, was sent to Vietnam in 1967, serving with C Company, 1/4 Marines. His book particularly focuses on the battle at Landing Zone Loon, in Quang Tri province, June 3-6, 1968, during Operation ROBIN.

Randall K. McGlone, Guts and Glory. pb Pocket Books, 1992. McGlone was a forward artillery observer with the 3/1 Marines 1967-68; much of the book apparently deals with the reopening of the road to Khe Sanh in 1968.

Paul A. McNally, The Best of the Best: The Fighting 5th Marines Vietnam: Dying Delta. Outskirts Press, 2008. 264 pp. McNally served in D Company, 1/5 Marines, 1st Marine Division.

Len Maffioli, with Bruce H. Norton, Grown Gray in War. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1996. pb New York: Ivy, 1997. Master Gunnery Sergeant Maffioli served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam (1967-68, with the 1st Tank Battalion near Danang).

Karl Marlantes, What It Is Like to Go to War. Grove/Atlantic, 2011. 272 pp. Marlantes served as a lieutenant in the Marines.

Charles D. Melson, US Marine Rifleman Vietnam, 1969. Osprey, 1998. ISBN 185532542X.

John Merson, War Lessons: How I Fought to be a Hero and Learned that War is Terror. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2008. xvi, 133 pp. Foreword by Ken Bacon. Merson served in 3rd Platoon, K Company, 3/7 Marines, 1st Marine Division, April 1966 to May 1967.

John Grider Miller, The Bridge at Dong Ha. Annapolis: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 1989. xii, 186 pp. How a U.S. Marine destroyed a crucial bridge to delay the NVA thrust into Quang Tri province during the Easter Offensive, April 1972.

John Grider Miller, The Co-Vans: U.S. Marine Advisors in Vietnam.  Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 2000.  xvi, 195 pp.

Allan R. Millett and Jack Shulimson, eds., Commandants of the Marine Corps. Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press, 2004. xx, 580 pp.

Dan Moore, Promise Lost: Stephen Joyner, The Marine Corps, and the Vietnam War. Abingdon, VA: Hidden Shelf Publishing House, 2016. 184 pp. Lieutenant Stephen Joyner was killed toward the end of the battle for Khe Sanh in 1968. Moore, the author, was a friend of Joyner's who also served as a Marine in Vietnam.

Michael F. Morris, Corps Competency? III Marine Amphibious Force Headquarters in Vietnam. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2024. 348 pp.

David W. Mulldune, The Mailman Went UA: A Vietnam Memoir. Bennington, VT: Merriam Press, 2009. 207 pp. Mulldune arrived in Vietnam in May 1968, a mortarman assigned initially to I Company, 3/27 Marines, later to M Company, 3/27 Marines.

Edward F. Murphy, The Hill Fights: The First Battle of Khe Sanh. New York: Presidio (Ballantine), 2003. 284 pp. pb New York: Presidio (Ballantine), 2004. xx, 340 pp. Battles in the hills near Khe Sanh, culminating in early May 1967.

Edward F. Murphy, Semper Fi--Vietnam: From Da Nang to the DMZ, Marine Corps Campaigns, 1965-1975. Novato, CA: Presidio, 1997. xii, 356 pp.

William Murphy, Souvenirs of War: One Marine's War, an Entire Generation's Story. East Lansing, MI: Murchada, 2007. Murphy served with the 3/27 Marines, 1968-69.

John P. Murtha, with John Plashal, From Vietnam to 9/11: On the Front Lines of National Security. Pennsylvania State University Press, 2003. 244 pp. The first chapter includes Murtha's Vietnam service. In 1966, he was a major in the Marine Corps Reserve. He volunteered to return to active duty and go to Vietnam, where he was made the intelligence officer of the 1st Marine Regiment; he held that job for a year. In 1974, he became the first Vietnam veteran to be elected to Congress; he travelled to Vietnam early in 1975 to evaluate the question of supplementary aid, which as a Democratic Party hawk he supported, and again in 1978 in connection with the search for MIAs.

John Musgrave, The Education of Corporal John Musgrave: Vietnam and Its Aftermath. New York: Knopf, 2021. 288 pp. Musgrave served in northern I Corps until he was seriously wounded in late 1967 or early 1968.

Donald F. Myers, Your War, My War: A Marine in Vietnam. Indianapolis: Marine Corps League, (1995?). 398 pp. Myers served for an extended period in the 3d Marine Divison, ending when he was wounded in the A Shau in February 1969.

William L. Myers (ed.?), Honor the Warrior: The United States Marine Corps in Vietnam.  Lafayette, LA: Redoubt, 2000. 294 pp.

David L. Nelson, David and Lee Roy: A Vietnam Story. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press, 2011. 288 pp. Lt. Lee Roy Herron was killed in February 1969, in Operation Dewey Canyon. His friend David Nelson, who had served in the JAG Corps, investigated years later how this had happened.

Keith W. Nolan, Operation Buffalo: USMC Fight for the DMZ. Novato, CA: Presidio, 1991. A bloody battle that began July 2, 1967 with the 1/9 Marines, then drew in the 3/9, the 1/3, and the 2/3.

Keith W. Nolan, The Magnificent Bastards: The Joint Army-Marine Defense of Dong Ha, 1968. Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1994. xii, 380 pp. 2/4 Marines and 3/21 Infantry against 320th PAVN Division, April-May 1968.

Oliver L. North with William Novak, Under Fire: An American Story. New York: HarperCollins/Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1991. xvi, 446 pp. Chapter 5 (pp. 88-119) deals with North's 1968-69 Vietnam tour as a lieutenant in the 3/3 Marines (covered in more detail in the next item).

Oliver L. North and David Roth, One More Mission: Oliver North Returns to Vietnam. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan/New York: HarperCollins, 1993. 280 pp. Part I (pp. 23-135), "The War," includes but is not limited to North's 1968-1969 tour as a lieutenant in the 3/3 Marines. Parts II and III focus on the 1990s.

John R. Nutting, The Court-Martial of Corporal Nutting: A Memoir of the Vietnam war. New York: Skyhorse, 2014. Nutting arrived in Vietnam in late 1966 and was assigned to "2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Division," just south of the DMZ near Camp Carroll.

Paul O'Connell, Between the Lines. Smashwords, 2013 (e-book; I don't think this is sold in hard copy). Partly letters O'Connell wrote October 1968 to October 1969, while he was serving in the 3/5 Marines, and partly narrative written decades later.

Richard E. Ogden, Green Knight, Red Mourning. New York: Zebra Books (Kensington Publishing Corp.), 1985. By a marine private who arrived in Vietnam in 1965. Interesting, but spotty and incomplete; either it was carelessly written, or the original manuscript was too long and the publisher chopped sections out of it.

"Operation Starlight: A Sigint Success Story." Cryptologic Spectrum, 1:3 (Fall 1971), pp. 9-11. Operation STARLITE, the first major action by U.S. Marines in Vietnam, August 1965. Originally classified Secret. A moderately sanitized version of the text is online at an NSA web site.

J. Michael Orange, Fire in the Hole: A Mortarman in Vietnam. San Jose and Lincon, NE: Writer's Club/, 2001. xxii, 218 pp. Orange was in Vietnam March 1969 to March 1970 with H&S Co., 1/1 Marines, 1st Marine Division, in Quang Nam. Includes several chapters on events after his return to the United States.

Jack T. Paxton, First to Go: The History of the USMC Combat Correspondents Association. Haworth, NJ: Saint Johann Press, 2018. 285 pp. I don't know how much of this deals with Vietnam.

Robert E. Peavey, Praying for Slack: A Marine Corps Tank Commander in Vietnam. St. Paul, Minnesota: Zenith Press (MBI Publishing), 2004. 304 pp. Peavey served a February 1968 to March 1969 tour with B Company, 5th Tank Battalion. He arrived by sea aboard the Thomaston. Part of the time he was with the 1st Marine Division, and part of the time with the 3rd Marine Division.

Thomas Petri, Lightning from the Sky, Thunder from the Sea [subtitle on cover but not on title page: The 1st ANGLICO Story]. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2009. 401 pp. Petri served in Sub Unit One (attached to the ROK 2nd Marine Brigade) of the 1st Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company (ANGLICO), but most of this book is based on interviews with other veterans, and written sources, rather than on his own experience. Somewhat fictionalized; he has filled in gaps in his information by guesswork.

David Warren Powell, My Tour in Hell: A Marine's Battle with Combat Trauma. Modern History Press, 2006. 190 pp. Powell served 1966-68 with Company D, 1/7 Marines. Ended up with PTSD.

Donald L. Price, The First Marine Captured in Vietnam: A Biography of Donald G. Cook. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2006. USMC Captain Donald Cook, attached as an observer to an RVN Marine unit, was captured December 31, 1964, in the Battle of Binh Gia. He died in captivity in 1967; he was later awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions while a POW.

Lewis B. Puller, Jr., Fortunate Son: The Autobiography of Lewis B. Puller, Jr. Grove Weidenfeld, 1991; pb New York: Bantam, 1993. Lt. Puller, USMC, lost both legs to a booby trap in October 1968, less than two months after arriving in Vietnam. The bulk of the book apparently describes his post-Vietnam experiences.

Arnold L. Punaro, with David Poyer, Was and Politis: The Battlefield Inside Washington's Beltway. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 2016. 288 pp. Two chapters are devoted to Punaro's service in Vietnam as a second lieutenant. He arrived in 1969 was assigned to L Company, 3/7 Marines.

Major James S. Rayburn, USMC, "Direct Support during Operation DEWEY CANYON." Cryptologic Spectrum, 11:3 (Summer 1981), pp. 16-21. Previously published in The NAVSECGRU Bulletin, XXIV: 11 (Nov/Dec 1980). Originally classified Secret Spoke. Operations by elements of the 9th Marines in the western part of Quang Tri province (with some spillover into Laos, though the article does not mention that), January-March 1969. A moderately sanitized version of the text is online at an NSA web site.

David Regan, Mourning Glory: The Making of a Marine. Devin-Adair, 1981.

Daniel F. Ring, ed., "Notes Between Two Worlds: The Diary of Roger Lansbury, 2nd Battalion, Fifth Marines." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Summer 1985 (vol. CIX), pp. 257-297. Lansbury, a Navy corpsman (they were attached to Marine units because the Marines did not have their own medics), was in Vietnam 1968-69.

Craig Roberts and Charles W. Sasser, The Walking Dead: A Marine's Story of Vietnam. New York: Pocket Books, 1989. Roberts arrived in Vietnam in 1965 as a private with the 2/9 Marines. He served in line units, and also with the ARVN Rangers.

Richard Allen Russell, Hell in a Helmet: Memoirs of a Marine Infantryman, Vietnam, 1967. Milford, MI: privately published by Mr. Russell, 1989. Includes photos, newspaper clippings, letters written home while in Vietnam (some very pro-war in tone), etc. Russell was in 2/9, 3d Marine Division.

Christy Sauro, The Twins Platoon: An Epic Story of Young Marines at War in Vietnam. 2006. The story of a group of Marines from Minnesota, Sauro among them, who enlisted on June 28, 1967.

Jean Shellenbarger, The 9th Engineer Battalion, First Marine Division, in Vietnam: 35 Personal Accounts. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2000.  vii, 231 pp. An oral history.

Gregory V. Short, Ground Pounder: A Marine's Journey Through South Vietnam, 1968-1969. Denton: University of North Texas Press, 2012. xix, 340 pp. Short, an 81mm mortarman, arrived in Vietnam in February 1968 and was assigned to the 2/1 Marines near the DMZ.

Robert A. Simonsen, Every Marine: 1968 Vietnam: A Battle for Go Noi Island. Heritage Books, 2005. 494 pp. Traces Company I, 3/27 Marines, from training in the United States onward. The company was sent to Go Noi Island, about 25 km south of Danang, in May 1968.

Den Slattery, Changed by War. CreateSpace, 2013. 102 pp. Slattery served a 1969-70 tour as a Marine. I believe for part of this he was with the 3/7 Marines, and for part he was with a CAP unit. He later shifted to the Army and served a 1972-73 tour with what I believe was Troop F, 8th Cavalry.

Den Slattery, From the Point to the Cross: One Vietnam Vet's Journey Toward Faith. 1st Books, 2004. 204 pp. Slattery served a 1969-70 tour as a Marine. I believe for part of this he was with the 3/7 Marines, and for part he was with a CAP unit. He later shifted to the Army and served a 1972-73 tour with what I believe was Troop F, 8th Cavalry. Heavy on religion.

Kenneth P. Sympson, Images from the Otherland: Memoir of a United States Marine Corps Artillery Officer in Vietnam. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1995. xii, 172 pp. 1LT Sympson was in Vietnam May 1965 to June 1966. The artillery units in which he served were 3/11 and 1/12 Marines; the infantry units to which he was attached as an artillery observer were 3/7 and 2/4 Marines. Operations included STARLITE, PIRANHA, DOUBLE EAGLE I, UTAH, and TEXAS.

William V. Taylor Jr., On Full Automatic: Surviving 13 Months in Vietnam. Dyer, IN: Deep Water Press, 2021. 352 pp. Taylor served 1967-68 in the 1/3 Marines.

Richard J. Thomas, Wounded Minds: Life on the Dark Plateau of PTSD. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2010. 378 pp. A memoir. Thomas served with the 7th Marines, approximately 1970.

Robert Peter Thompson, Everything Happened in Vietnam: The Year of the Rat. Blue Moon Publishing, 2009. 234 pp. Thompson was in Vietnam in 1969.

Robert Timberg, Blue-Eyed Boy: A Memoir. New York: Penguin, 2014. 384 pp. Timberg was almost at the end of his tour as a Marine officer in Vietnam, in January 1967, when he was severely wounded. He later became a successul journalist and author.

W. Charles Truitt, Pop a Yellow Smoke and Other Memories! From a Combat Veteran Marine, Vietnam, 1969-1970. Ozark, Alabama: ACW Press, 2005. 222 pp. Truitt, a corporal, arrived in Vietnam in July 1969, and served with the 1st Radio Battalion. He was initially at firebases near the DMZ (Vandegrift, Fuller). Later he was at An Hoa, south of Danang.

William Van Zanten, Don't Bunch Up. Archon, 1993. xv, 208 pp. Memoir by a Marine who first arrived in Vietnam as XO of India Company, 3/7 Marines, on June 5, 1965, sent ashore from the USS Iwo Jima as part of Operation STARLITE. He soon became company commander, after the previous commander was seriously wounded. Last operation mentioned in the book is TEXAS, March 1966.

Lewis W. Walt, Strange War, Strange Strategy: A General's Report on Vietnam. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1970. 234 pp. Walt was commander of the U.S. Marines in Vietnam 1965-1967, and assistant commandant of the Marine Corps when he published this book.

Micholas Warr, Charlie One Five: A Marine Company's Vietnam War. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press, 2013. xxvii, 311 pp. C Company, 1/5 Marines, December 1965 to February 1968. Warr served one tour as an officer in the unit.

James Webb, I Heard My Country Calling: A Memoir. New York: simon & Schuster, 2014. 388 pp. This memoir covers Webb's early life; several chapters are devoted to his service in Vietnam as a Marine officer.

Jack Wells, "Hill 310: Marines and NVA Both Found It a 'Tough Nut' to Crack, 9-13 August 1968". Leatherneck, LXXXIV:4 (April 2001), pp. 32-37. In Hieu Duc district, Quang Nam province. Wells arrived in Vietnam at the beginning of August 1968. He was a lieutenant assigned to Battery G, 3/11 Marines, 1st Marine Division. He was made a forward observer, initially attached to Company A, 1/7 Marines, then shifted to Company B, which had a lot of new men in it, including a new commander. He describes heavy combat, and heavy casualties, as Marines assaulted the hill.

Jack Wells, "Sapper Attack on FSB Six-shooter". Leatherneck, LXXXV:9 (September 2002), pp. 30-34. Attacks of 23 February, 18 May 1969 on Battery H, 3/11 Marines in Quang Nam.

Ronald Winter, Victory Betrayed: Operation Dewey Canyon: The US Marines in Vietnam. Spectre Communications, 2020. 274 pp. US Marines attacking a PAVN base area in western Quang Tri province made a significant incursion into Laos in February 1969.

Mark W. Woodruff, Fox Trot Ridge: A Battle Remembered. Vandamere Press, 2002. 224 pp. The battle involving F Company, 2/3 Marines, not far from Khe Sanh on May 28, 1968.

Sgt. Donald Jack Wright, USMC, My Vietnam Story and Service in the United States Marines. Murrells Inlet, SC: Covenant Books, 2019. Wright was in Vietnam September 1968 to October 1969, with A Company, 1/7 Marines, 1st Marine Division. I believe that for part of this time, perhaps all of it, he was in Quang Nam province.

Dave Zorn, Dinky Dau: Love, War, and the Corps: A Vietnam War Memoir. Xlibris. 138 pp. Zorn arrived in Vietnam (I think with the 2/7 Marines) in 1965.

The US Marine Corps Oral History Collection, a set of interviews mostly conducted by USMC sergeants, but some by officers. The United States Marine Corps History and Museums Division has given them to the Virtual Vietnam Archive of the Vietnam Project, at Texas Tech University, which has placed them online. Interviews online include:

Marine Corps Pacification: CAP, etc.

John Akins, Nam Au Go Go: Falling for the Vietnamese Goddess of War. Port Jefferson, NY: Vineyard Pres, 2005. 262 pp. Akins arrived in Vietnam in February 1968, served in E Company, 2/1 Marines during operation Pegasus (the relief of Khe Sanh), then was assigned to CAP 1-1-4, then sent for a month of Vietnamese language training, then sent to CAP 1-1-7.

Bruce C. Allnutt, Marine Combined Action Capabilities: The Vietnam Experience. McLean, VA: Human Sciences Research Inc., 1969. vi, 88 pp., plus lengthy appendices.

Peter Brush, "Civic Action: The Marine Corps Experience in Vietnam" Viet Nam Generation, Vol. 5:1-4 (March 1994), pp. 127-132.

Ted N. Easterling, War in the Villages: The U.S. Marine Corps Combined Action Platoons in the Vietnam War. Denton: University of North Texas Press, 2021. x, 242 pp.

Robert Flynn, A Personal War in Vietnam. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1989. xx, 139 pp. The author, a journalist, spent time with a company of the 2/5 Marines in the Combined Unit Pacification Program (CUPP, like CAP) in 1971.

Thomas Flynn, A Voice of Hope. Baltimore: American Literary Press, 1994. v, 184 pp. Flynn, a Marine, was in Vietnam from December 1966 to February 1968. He was quickly assigned to a CAP team, Papa Three, near Cam Lo just a few miles south of the DMZ. The story is supposed to be accurate in detail, except that names have been changed. A good account of what could happen to a CAP team in a high-risk area. (See also Edward Palm, below.)

Barry L. Goodson, CAP Môt: The Story of a Marine Special Forces Unit in Vietnam, 1968-1969. Denton: University of North Texas Press, 1997. xiii, 306 pp. Goodson served in a CAP team near Chu Lai.

Yoav Gortzak, "The prospects of combined action: Lessons from Vietnam," Small Wars & Insurgencies, Vol. 25, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 137-160.

Master Sergeant Ronald E. Hays II, USMC (RET), Combined Action: U.S. Marines Fighting a Different War, August 1956 to May 1971. Quantico, VA: Marine Corps University, 2019. 60 pp.

Al Hemingway, Our War was Different: Marine Combined Action Platoons in Vietnam. Annapolis: U.S. Naval Institute, 1994. xv, 189 pp. Oral history.

Edward F. Palm, "Tiger Papa Three," Marine Corps Gazette, January and February 1988. Palm, a Marine officer, served in a CAP Team, Papa Three, which he considers to have been a dismal failure, from August 1967 to January 1968, near Cam Lo just a few miles south of the DMZ. (See also Thomas Flynn, above.)

Edward F. Palm, Tiger Papa Three: Memoir of a Combined Action Marine in Vietnam. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2020. viii, 205 pp.

Michael E. Peterson, The Combined Action Platoons: The U.S. Marines' Other War in Vietnam. New York: Praeger, 1989. xii, 148 pp. The author served several tours with the CAP program.

Den Slattery, Changed by War. Amazon Digital Services, 2009. 104 pp. Slattery served two tours in Vietnam. The first, 1968-69 or 1969, was as a Marine; for at least part of that time he was in a CAP unit. The second, in 1972, was with the Army.

John Southard, Defend and Befriend: The U.S. Marine Corps and Combined Action Platoons in Vietnam. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2014. xvi, 207 pp.

David Strachan-Morris, Spreading Ink Blots from Da Nang to the DMZ: The Origins and Implementation of US Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Strategy in Vietnam, March 1965 to November 1968. Warwick, United Kingdom: Helion, 2020. 158 pp.

"Survey of Hoa Vang District, Quang Nam Province," 4 May 1968. 46 pp. Written by the district senior advisor, who I believe was F.D. Elfers. Hoa Vang district directly bordered the city of Danang to the west and south. The American impact on the area was of course huge, quite a aside from the large number of CAPs in the district. The text of this report, and some memos commenting on it, and some unrelated documents on the CAP program, have been placed on-line in the Virtual Vietnam Archive of the Vietnam Project at Texas Tech University.

Francis J. West, An Area Security System for Vietnam Incorporating Combined Action. Santa Monica, CA: RAND., 1969.

F[rancis] J. West, Jr., The Village. New York: Harper & Row, 1972. 288 pp. Reprinted, with the author's name given as Bing West, New York: Simon & Schuster, 2003. 359 pp. A CAP team near the mouth of the Tra Bong, in the northernmost part of Quang Ngai province, beginning June 1966.

Marine Corps Snipers

John J. Culbertson, A Sniper in the Arizona: 2d Battalion, 5th Marines, in the Arizona Territory, 1967. New York: Ivy, 1999. 270 pp. (plus photocopied documents, as unnumbered pages after p. 270, on the death of Capt. James Graham, Commander, F Company, 2/5 Marines, June 2, 1967). This book, the second Culbertson has written about his service in Vietnam, ends abruptly in early June 1967, not going up to his departure in July; there may be a third book coming.

John J. Culbertson, 13 Cent Killers: The 5th Marine Snipers in Vietnam. New York: Presidio/Ballantine, 2003. xiv, 272 pp. A collection of stories about various members of the sniper platoon of the 5th Marines, from 1966 through about April 1967. Additional volumes are planned.

Carlos Hathcock was probably the most famous Marine sniper of the Vietnam War. He served two tours between 1966 and 1969.

Ed Kugler, Dead Center: A Marine Sniper's Two-Year Odyssey in the Vietnam War. New York: Ivy, 1999. 370 pp. Kugler arrived in Vietnam in March 1966, and promptly joined the 4th Marines' scout-sniper unit. After training, he was assigned to 3d Force Recon, eventually some other unit. Served two tours.

Charles B. "Chuck" Mawhinney served in Vietnam from May 1968 to March 1970. He had 106 confirmed kills, the most of any Marine sniper in Vietnam.

John R. Nutting, The Court-Martial of Corporal Nutting: A Memoir of the Vietnam War. Skyhorse, 2014. 208 pp. Nutting arrived in Vietnam late in 1966. He served initially in F Company, 2/3 Marines, later became a scout-sniper. He was court-martialed for possession of marijuana.

Peter R. Senich, The One-Round War: USMC Scout-Snipers in Vietnam. Boulder: Paladin, 1996. 372 pp.

Jay Taylor, Point of Aim, Point of Impact. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2011. 208 pp. Taylor arrived in Vietnam about the end of April 1968, and was assigned to the 7th Marines.

Joseph T. Ward, Dear Mom: A Sniper's Vietnam. New York: Ivy, 1991. 255 pp. Ward, a USMC scout sniper, arrived in Vietnam in April 1969.

Marine Corps Unit Reports and Documents

The Virtual Vietnam Archive of the Vietnam Project, at Texas Tech University is placing online a huge quantity of USMC documents, mostly in a collection titled "US Marine Corps History and Museum Division Vietnam War Documents Collection". You can check on what is available by entering that collection title, without quotes, in the "collection title" field in their search engine. A sample of what has been put up so far:

Other Marine Corps reports and documents can be found in: Marine Reconnaissance Unit Documents;   Marine Corps and Navy Helicopter Unit Reports;   Marine Corps Fixed-Wing Air Squadron Reports; and Documents: Army Armored Cavalry, Marine 1st Tank Battalion.

Tet and the Battle of Khe Sanh includes several books by or about Marines.

Marines in Recon and Special Operations

Marine Corps helicopter operations can be found under Helicopters

U.S. Marine Corps Publications

Microfilmed collections of Marine Corps records

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Opinions expressed in this bibliography are my own. They could not very well be the opinions of Clemson University, since Clemson University does not have opinions on the subjects involved.
Edwin E. Moïse    

Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, Edwin E. Moise. This document may be reproduced only by permission. Revised September 23, 2024.