Gilbert Adair, Vietnam on Film: From the Green Berets to Apocalypse Now. New York: Proteus, 1981.
John Immel Akins, On the Way to Khe Sanh: War Poems. Self-published, 2004. 69 pp. The author served in the Marines, 1968-69, first in a rifle battalion and then in a CAP team.
Michael Anderegg, ed., Inventing Vietnam: The War in Film and Television. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1991. The full text is available online to paid subscribers of Questia.
William Arce, "Nation in uniform: Chicano/Latino war narratives and the construction of nation in the Korean War and Vietnam War, 1951-1976." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Southern California, 2009. 291 pp. AAT 3355173. Looks at novels and autobiographies written by Chicano/Latino authors between 1951 and 1976.
Albert Auster and Leonard Quart, How the War was Remembered: Hollywood and Vietnam. New York: Praeger, 1988.
Philip D. Beidler, American Literature and the Experience of Vietnam. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1982.
Philip Beidler, Re-writing America: Vietnam Authors in their Generation. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1991.
Brenda M. Boyle, Masculinity in Vietnam War Narratives: A Critical Study of Fiction, Films and Nonfiction Writings. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2009.
Doug Bradley and Craig Werner, We Gotta Get Out of This Place: The Soundtrack of the Vietnam War. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2015. xi, 256 pp.
John Buquoi, snapshots from the edge of a war. CreateSpace, 2015. 138 pp. A collection of poems. Buquot worked in Vietnam 1963-65 for the Army Security Agency, and later as a civilian for various contractors.
David Scott Callaghan, "Representing the Vietnamese: Race, Culture, and the Vietnam War in American Film and Drama." Ph.D. dissertation, Theater, City University of New York, 1998. 348 pp. DA 9830689.
Philip Caputo, Joe Galloway, Pat Duncan, Wallace Terry, and Russ Thurman, "Selling The War Story: Hollywood Hits And Bestseller Lists", in The VVA Veteran, February/March 2001. Transcript of a panel session at an April 6-8, 2000, symposium "Rendezvous with War," sponsored by Vietnam Veterans of America and the College of William and Mary. There are brief introductory remarks by Marc Leepson.
Subarno Chattarji, Memories of a Lost War: American Poetic Responses to the Vietnam War. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. 272 pp.
Renny Christopher, The Viet Nam War/The American War: Images and Representations in Euro-American and Vietnamese Exile Narratives. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1995. 360 pp. The full text is available online if you browse the Internet through an institution that is affiliated with netLibrary.
Tom Cole, Medal of Honor Rag. New York: Samuel French, 1983. 53 pp. A one-act play, first produced (perhaps in an earlier version than the current one?) in 1975. The play depicts a one-hour therapy session, supposedly occurring in an Army hospital in 1971, in which a civilian psychiatrist is trying to treat a black sergeant who won the Medal of Honor in Vietnam, but has severe emotional problems. The handling of the sergeant's trauma looks pretty realistic to me. Partly it is survivor guilt, partly it is the bloody killing spree the man went on, killing large numbers of enemy soldiers—this was the action for which he won the Medal of Honor—but still leaving him severely disturbed about what he had done. But other elements of the play are very unrealistic. I get a feeling the author had never been in Vietnam, or in the military. The play is clearly based on the case of Dwight H. Johnson, who won the Medal of Honor for action near Dak To on January 15, 1968, and died April 30, 1971.
Linda Dittmar and Gene Michaud, eds., From Hanoi to Hollywood: The Vietnam War in American Film. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1990.
W. D. Ehrhart, ed., Carrying the Darkness: The Poetry of the Vietnam War. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press, 1989.
W. D. Ehrhart, ed., Unaccustomed Mercy: Soldier-Poets of the Vietnam War. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press, 1989.
Andrea Dean Fontenot, "Classical goddesses in American short fiction about the Vietnam War." Ph.D. dissertation, American Literature, Texas Tech University, 1998. 178 pp. AAT 9842010. The full text is available online if you are browsing the Internet from an institution, such as Clemson University, that has a subscription to ProQuest "Dissertations and Theses: Full Text."
Owen W. Gilman and Lorrie Smith, eds., America Rediscovered: Critical Essays on Literature and Film of the Vietnam War. New York: Garland, 1990.
Owen W. Gilman, Vietnam and the Southern Imagination. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1992.
Vince Gotera, Radical Visions: Poetry by Vietnam Veterans. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1994. Literary criticism, rather than an anthology.
Shirley Ann James Hanshaw, "Re-membering and surviving: Representation of the Vietnam War and its aftermath in African-American Fiction." Ph.D. dissertation, American Literature, University of Mississippi, 2003. 345 pp. AAT 3115419. The full text is available online if you are browsing the Internet from an institution, such as Clemson University, that has a subscription to ProQuest "Dissertations and Theses: Full Text."
Ty Hawkins, "Combat's Implacable Allure: Reading Vietnam amid the War on Terror," Ph.D. dissertation, Literature, Saint Louis University, 2010. DA 3404321.
John Hellmann, American Myth and the Legacy of Vietnam. New York: Columbia University Press, 1986. 241 pp.
Chauncey C. Herbison, "B(l)ack to the World: Explorations of Race, Trauma, Illness, and Healing in Selected Vietnam War Films." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Kansas, 2006. Looks at four films: "Another Brother," "Ashes and Embers," "Green Eyes," and "Dumbarton Bridge." 230 pp. AAT 3222180.
Tobey Herzog, Writing Vietnam, Writing Life: Caputo, Heinemann, O'Brien, Butler. University of Iowa Press, 2008. 240 pp. Herzog interviewed the four authors, all of whom served in Vietnam and later wrote about it.
Kevin Hillstrom and Laurie Collier Hillstrom, The Vietnam Experience: A Concise Encyclopedia of American Literature, Songs, and Films. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1998. 364 pp.
Philip K. Jason, Acts and Shadows: The Vietnam War in American Literary Culture. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2000. 192 pp.
Philip K. Jason, ed., Fourteen Landing Zones: Approaches to Vietnam War Literature. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1991.
Timothy P. Kinsella, "A world of hurt: Art Music and the American War in Vietnam." Ph.D. dissertation, Music, University of Washington, 2005. 642 pp. AAT 3178088. The full text is available online if you are browsing the Internet from an institution, such as Clemson University, that has a subscription to ProQuest "Dissertations and Theses: Full Text."
Michael Lee Lanning, Vietnam at the Movies. New York: Fawcett Columbine, 1994. x, 356 pp. Evaluations both of movies in general and of hundreds of particular films, written with a hawkish bias.
Le Quyen Thuc, "In the line of fire: Combat art of the Vietnam War." M.A. Thesis, California State University-Long Beach, 2006. 104 pp. AAT 1431857. The full text is available online if you are browsing the Internet from an institution, such as Clemson University, that has a subscription to ProQuest "Dissertations and Theses: Full Text."
Timothy J. Lomperis, Reading the Wind: The Literature of the Vietnam War. With bibliographic commentary by John Clark Pratt. Duke University Press.
Robert McGill, War Is Here: The Vietnam War and Canadian Literature. Montreal and Kingston, Canada: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2017. 320 pp.
Jean-Jacques Malo & Tony Williams, eds., Vietnam War Films. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1994. 567 pp. Detailed information on 683 films and television programs, produced not just in the US but in Vietnam and other countries.
Philip H. Melling, Vietnam in American Literature. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1990.
Jim Neilson, Warring Fictions: Cultural Politics and the Vietnam War Narrative. University Press of Mississippi, 1998. Alternate subtitle is American Literary Culture and the Vietnam War Narrative. The full text is available online if you browse the Internet through an institution that is affiliated with netLibrary.
John Newman, with Ann Hilfinger, Vietnam War Literature: An Annotated Bibliography of Imaginative Works about Americans Fighting in Vietnam. 2d ed. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow, 1988. The 3d edition, which Newman wrote with David A. Willson, David J. DeRose, Stephen P. Hidalgo, and Nancy J. Kendall, was published in 1996 and is 680 pp.
Thanh T. Nguyen and Bruce Weigl, eds., Poems from Captured Documents: A Bilingual Edition. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1994. 80 pp.
Deborah Wilson Overstreet, Unencumbered by History: The Vietnam Experience in Young Adult Fiction. Scarecrow, 1998.
William J. Palmer, The Films of the Eighties: A Social History. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University, (1994?). 335 pp.
Jinim Park, "The Vietnam War which is not One: A Comparative Study of Vietnam War Narratives by Korean Writers and American Writers." Ph.D. dissertation, Comparative Literature, University of Oregon, 1998. 359 pp. DA 9841375.
"Platoon." Directed by Oliver Stone, 1986. A film about a combat unit in the late 1960s, which has inspired controversy by its anti-war tone. The full screenplay has been published in Oliver Stone and Richard Boyle, Platoon & Salvador: The Original Screenplays (New York: Vintage, 1987), pp. 19-129.
Rick Ritter and Paul Richards, eds., Made in America, Sold in the Nam. 2d ed. Ann Arbor: Modern History Press, 2007. A collection of writings (including many poems) about the experiences of American servicemen in Vietnam and after their return, and the experinces of their families.
Larry Rottmann, Voices from the Ho Chi Minh Trail: Poetry of America and Vietnam, 1965-1993. Desert Springs, CA: Event Horizon Publishers, 1993.
Eric James Schroeder, Vietnam, We've All Been There: Interviews with American Writers. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1992. 240 pp.
William J. Searle, ed., Search and Clear. Bowling Green University Popular Press. 215 pp. Academic analysis of literature, films, etc., dealing with Vietnam.
Douglas M. Sherry, "Vietnam Veterans and American Mass Media: The Politics of the Image." Ph.D. dissertation, American Studies, University of Maryland, 1995. 248 pp. DA9539730. "conceptualizations of semiotic appropriation and bricolage"?
Peter L. Stromberg, "A Long War's Writing: American Novels about the Fighting in Vietnam Written while Americans Fought." Ph.D. dissertation, English(?), Cornell, 1974. 324 pp. 75-1627.
Marita Sturken, Tangled Memories: The Vietnam War, the AIDS Epidemic, and the Politics of Remembering. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997. x, 358 pp. Chapter 3 "Reenactment and the Making of History: The Vietnam War as Docudrama" (pp. 85-121) looks at films about the war.
Lawrence Howard Suid, "The Film Industry and the Vietnam War." Ph.D. dissertation, American Studies, Case Western Reserve, 1980. 296 pp. AAT 8100553.
Lawrence H. Suid, Guts & Glory: The Making of the American Military Image in Film, Rev. Ed. University Press of Kentucky, 2002. xvii, 748 pp. (that looks to me like the most reliable page figure, but some sources say it is only 672 pp.). There are three chapters on the Vietnam War and related issues.
Mark Taylor, The Vietnam War in History, Literature, and Film. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2003. xiii, 160 pp.
Roy W. Thomas, "American comic books and their reflection of Cold War attitudes, 1945--1970: A study of the depiction of Communism and of Communist nations in United States comic books from the end of World War II through the height of the Vietnam War." M.A. Thesis, California State University-Dominguez Hills, 2006. 173 pp. AAT 1429561. The full text is available online if you are browsing the Internet from an institution, such as Clemson University, that has a subscription to ProQuest "Dissertations and Theses: Full Text."
Fred Turner, Echoes of Combat: The Vietnam War in American Memory. New York: Anchor (Doubleday), 1996. 288 pp.
Victor R. Volkman, ed., More than a Memory: Reflections of Viet Nam. Ann Arbor: Modern History Press, 2009. 228 pp. Writings (including many poems) by 15 Vietnam veterans.
Garry Wills, John Wayne's America: The Politics of Celebrity. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1997. 384 pp. pb New York: Touchstone, 1998.
Copyright © 1996, 1998, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2023, Edwin E. Moise. This document may be reproduced only by permission. Revised July 13, 2023.