These are photos that seem to me less interesting than those I have placed on the Bangkok and Mekong Delta main pages for this period, or essentially duplicates of those photos.
Box "NHA," series OCT 65Z red (nhaor)
No. 29: Women in doorway--stewardesses at Bangkok Airport
CD2DB: (DEC 65Z black): nos. 8, 20 from box "1 Chou Dac"; no. 33 from box "2 Chou Dac."
No. 8: Jester could not recall where this one had been taken.
No. 20
Road ahead of truck: No. 33
Box "Mountains," series DEC 65Z black (mtd):
No. 4: Truck convoy
No. 25: Boys in marketplace, with fish
No. 27: Edge of dock; boys swimming in river
No. 30: People with small fish, probably in market
CD2DR: (DEC 65Z red): no. 32 from box "1 Chou Dac"
No. 32
Photographs are Copyright © 2007, Robert D. Jester, MSG/E8, US Army Ret.
I am extremely grateful to Mr. Jester for having given me permission to place his photos
on this web page, making them available to scholars and students.
Edwin E. Moise
Professor of History
Clemson University
Opinions expressed on these web pages are those of Robert D. Jester and/or Edwin E. Moise. They could not very well be the opinions of Clemson University, which does not have opinions on the relevant subjects.
Revised January 4, 2007.