Vietnam War Bibliography:

Congressional Committee Documentation:

The Draft

Many of the items below are available online through Hathi Trust.

Amending and Extending the Draft Law and Related Authority. Hearings of the Senate Armed Services Committee, April 12-19, 1967.
Y 4.Ar 5/3:D 78/967

Extension of the Universal Military Training and Service Act. Hearings of the House Armed Services Committee, May 2-11, 1967.
Y 4.Ar 5/2a:967-68/12

Military Selective Service Act of 1967, with Analysis. Printed for the use of the House Armed Services Committee, December 1, 1967. iii, 60 pp (pp. 5585-5644).
Y 4.Ar 5/2a:967-68/35

The Selective Service System: Its Operation, Practices and Procedures. Hearings before the the Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure, Senate Judiciary Committee, October 29-November 13, 1969. vi, 1091 pp.
Y 4.J 89/2:Se 4/3

Review of the Administration and Operation of the Draft Law. Hearings before the Special Subcommittee on the Draft, House Armed Services Committee, July 23-November 18, 1970. pp. 12463-12884.
Y 4.Ar 5/2a:969-70/80

A Study of the Selective Service System: Its Operation, Practices and Procedures, together with Recommendations for Administrative Improvement. Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure, Senate Judiciary Committee, 1970. vi + 93 pp.
Y 4.J 89/2:Se 4/4

Selective Service and Military Compensation. Hearings of the Senate Armed Services Committee, February 2-22, 1971. v, 846 pp.
Y 4.Ar 5/3:Se 4/3

Extension of the Draft and Bills Related to the Voluntary Force Concept and Authorization of Strength Levels. Hearings before the House Committee on Armed Services, February 25-March 11, 1971. ii + 15-1103 + vii pp. Useful figures on percentages of draftees among US Army enlisted casualties in Vietnam on pp. 172-73.
Y 4.Ar 5/2a:971-72/2

Selective Service and Amnesty. Hearings before the the Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure, Senate Judiciary Committee, February 28, 29, March 1, 1972. 671 pp.
Y 4.J 89/2:Se 4/5

Volunteer Armed Force and Selective Service. Hearings March 10, 13, 1972, before the Subcommittee on Volunteer Armed Force and Selective Service, Senate Armed Services Committee. iii + 247 pp.
Y 4.Ar 5/3:V 88

Private Sector Publications on the Draft

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Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1999, 2018, 2021, Edwin E. Moïse. This document may be reproduced only if this copyright notice is reproduced with it. Revised March 27, 2021.